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Hedonist. Adventurer, Artist, Photographer, Poet, Revolutionary.

Monday, July 13, 2009

getting set up

Got in this morning at 6:45. an hour to get bags and go through 2 customs checkpoints. another hour walking around the airport trying to find internet access or somewhere (anywhere) to go. I finally found 3 free internet computers and dropped a line to each of my contacts in OZ. Then I decided to head towards the suburb where the artist space I was hoping to stay at was located. I knew the name of the town, just not the address.

I was told the train was better than the bus for getting there, so I headed to the train terminal at the airport. It was going to be $20 for a train ticket to the city, or, i could spend $45 and get an unlimited 1 week train/bus pass, to take me wherever I wanted to go in Sydney, so I shelled out the 45. I got on the train and figured out my transfers to get me where I wanted to be. My first real view of Sydney was from this subway car... and i was fucking impressed.

The City has great old architecture, and a very multi cultural feel. Impressive, artful graffiti everywhere. The walls are alive with free expression and rebellion. The train dropped me off in Merrickville and I started wandering the streets, trying to find a free WiFi signal.. no such luck

after 45 minutes of wandering, I found and internet cafe, $5 for 1 hour... paid. got online and had a message from my contact at the artist warehouse that I was hoping to stay at. The owner of the cafe let me use his phone, I made the call and touched base with Matt who said he'd be by to pick me up in 10 minutes... I finished a quick post and went out to the street corner.

He drove up and I jumped in. My first time in a right-side-driving car, cruising on the left hand side of the street: truly one of the most terrifying experiences of my life... I was constantly expecting to get in an accident because we were driving the wrong way, but everyone seemed pretty accustomed to it and we arrived safely at the warehouse.

The place is huge, 2 floors... these people really have their shit together, they have tons of music/light gear, a huge room for costumes, 15 bedrooms, 2 offices, kitchen... the whole deal, a collection of classic Ford Mustangs (all right-hand-drive) and rent out a small part of their space to the largest underground hiphop label in OZ - sweet. They just got done throwing an event last weekend and had a bunch of gear to return. I helped them load it in the truck, then followed my new friend Matt to a video gig he was doing at the Sydney Opera House.

2000 young people were converging for a Flash Dance Mob to bring awareness to global warming. They danced for 2 minutes on the steps of the Opera House as people filmed for the internet.

I met a few of the warehouse-mates at the opera house and we all came back to the space together. Matt and I went out for burgers and came just came back.

I think I'm gonna grab a quick nap before we head out to party tonight.

I'm really liking it here already.

Wednesday we head 2 hours north to the festival spot to start getting that ready.

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